Vidyaa Vikas International School (CBSE)
The Vidyaa Vikas International School (CBSE) was started in the year 2011. This campus is the precise place where education is finely blended with moral values and professional ethics. The school provides quality education from LKG to XII by following the CBSE syllabus.
The School is affiliated to CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education), New Delhi.It is a co-educational institution. The medium of instruction is English for all classes. The School offers Hindi /Tamil as the Second and third Language for classes VI-IX. The First language, in the Part-I is English only. In addition to the academic core and optional subjects as stipulated in the syllabus the school has provision for Physical Education, Yoga, Martial Arts and Fine Arts, Arts and Crafts, Music and Band, Dance, Functional Knowledge on Hindi, Computer Science etc. The School will also provide facilities and opportunities for the students to develop soft skills and talents. The school aims to put up the student always ahead to others. The school has sufficient infrastructure with necessary equipment for the “All-round Development” of each and every child. Vidyaa Vikas International School believes in a holistic approach towards overall development of the child. The Focus is on grooming the students as responsible global citizens and making them ready for the world, ready for the future. Our website answers to all the quires.